June 30, 2007


偶然的機會看到的一篇部落文 - 印度式計算訓練
我們從小所學習的是九九乘法表 (9x9)....不要以為這樣就很厲害喔...
聽說印度人從小背的乘法表至少是十九乘十九 (19x19 = 361)...還有甚至 (99x99=9801) (度學生怕數學...)

在這文當中還有許多網友提出他們各自遇到的算法及討論~感覺....傑克....這真是太神奇了~原來還可以這麼算呀~收穫不少唷~大家有空可以看看 印度式計算訓練

好在小學的數學老師教得好....讓我知道乘數及被乘數要如何放, 反正要求什麼單位的...把它放前面就對了


14 * 18 = (14+8) * 10 + 4 * 8 = 220 + 32 = 252
23 * 26 = (23 + 6) * 20 + 3 * 6 = 598



1m x 1n
= 10 x 10 + 10 x (m + n) + m x n

am x an
= a0 x a0 + a0 x (m + n) + m x n

am x bn
= a0 x b0 + a0 x n + b0 x m + m x n

63 * 35 = 60 * 30 + 60 * 5 + 30 * 3 + 3 * 5 = 1800 + 300 + 90 + 15 = 2205

14 * 18 = 10 * 10 + 10 * 8 + 10 * 4 + 4 * 8 = 100 + 80 + 40 + 32 = 252
23 * 26 = 20 * 20 + 20 * 6 + 20 * 3 + 3 * 6 = 400 + 120 + 60 + 18 = 598

咦...條條算法通答案...突然覺得數學怎麼那麼好玩呀~ :)

[English] etiquette

Let's have word of the week from now on~
今天學的單字是 etiquette (none) 禮節/禮儀
話說主管要求各部門的同事們要注意 office etiquette (辦公室禮節)
According to office etiquette, we should dress up in befitting (得體的) apparel (穿著).

June 16, 2007


"小鴨" (哈...前一篇有它的身影哩) 第一次上 highway~
一格足足跑了 60KM.... 省油不是蓋的唷!

June 15, 2007

Windows v.s. Mac Part II

Remember I made my laptop once looked like a mac box one or two years ago? Ha...this time, there is something new, and my windows box is more like mac.
Few days ago, Apple released Safari Beta version which can be installed in Windows OS. Besides, a pretty cool function that I could find on a mac, but now it's possible appearing on a windows. DaLa~ Now, introduce TopDesk to you! Expose is a wonderful function and I like it very much. It's useful to display all applications or same applications at the same "spaces" for switching. I'm glad that it can be integrated on windows box. Ha... See? Does it look like a mac?

June 10, 2007


Online petition - Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008

(中譯: 向聯合國於2008年廢止繁體中文說「不」)

聯合國決定於 2008 廢除繁體中文. 這是什麼決定? 為了快速好寫嗎?
心領了, 我寧願多寫幾筆劃也不要變形的簡體中文字!
我愛繁體中文!! Traditional Chinese ROCK!!!

麵 (繁中) = 面 (簡中)

下面網站是為了反對廢除繁體中文決定, 請大家去投票吧!

到目前為止的投票數為: 329465 Signatures

1. 點上方網址進入
2. 點選 "Sign the petition"
3. 填寫資料
4. 送出即成
5. 轉寄給其他朋友