October 31, 2005

Little puppy

Little puppy
Uploaded by JavaCoffee.
I took this picture in Letchworth Park. At that time, I was lying down on the ground, and suddenly there was a little puppy running near to me, so I took my camera and caught this shot. :)

Extra Hour?!

Because of adjusting the Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time), I got an extra hour today. As usual, I usually get up around 8 o'clock on Sunday, but today I woke up at the same time as I usually do which is one hour earlier. However, I fell asleep again and woke up at REAL TIME this morning. :p Um...Did I waste the extra hour?!

Double Rainbows

Double Rainbow uploaded by JavaCoffee.
How beautiful are the rainbows? I took this picture in Letchworth State Park. You can see there are two rainbows in the picture. One is clear, and another is a little blur. How lucky is that day that I could catch this amazing momenet? By the way, rainbow is the covenant of God. Isn't that beautifal?

October 29, 2005

[Share] Photo Service - Flickr

I found a pretty cool photo service recently. I've been using different photo services from PCHOME, WRETCH, YAHOO, and some more. Flickr is a really good one. Below my blog page, you can find there is a flash photo display shown my photos from Flickr site. That a good way to randomly display photos I've uploaded. One of the features I prefer is that I can blog a picture from Flickr to my blog site. Flickr supports blogging with photos from its site to different blog services (of course including blogger). Another cool thing is that I can tag and note my photos. Tag groups photos; note provides more info on photos. Some details I want to highlight on pictures can be approached through using notes. Cool Cool!!! I give 5 stars on this feature!!!

How to get start using Flickr service?! If you already have a yahoo account, you can sign up this service using your yahoo account. For basic users, each person can have three sets and 20MB transfer storage per month, and it's free; for pro users, there is no limitations on these, but it costs about $25 per year. You can try it out first. If you like its service, you can decide to buy pro account. =)

[Notes] Digital Transmission

Digital Transmission
+ -> 1
0 -> 0

+ -> 0
- -> 1

change -> 1
no change -> 0

+ to 0 -> 1
- to 0 -> 0

0 -|_
1 _|-

Different Manchester
transition -> 0
no transition -> 1

October 28, 2005


This picture is taken in a restaurant called Bugaboo Creek, a steakhouse. In the steakhouse, they have lots of different decorations. I especially like this light design...very cool!

October 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by JavaCoffee.
最近朋友介紹了一部記錄片 "翻滾吧!男孩 (Jump! Boys)“, 是描述導演林育賢的哥哥林育信與七位小男孩的體操記錄片. 看見每一個小朋友努力地練習, 當中當然有苦有樂, 但是可以看出每個小朋友辛苦付出收成的結果. 在影片有一句話說得不錯:「人要服輸,不要認輸」,當然不僅是在體育上,我想在任何情況下都是一樣, 輸了沒關係,還可以捲土重來, 但是放棄認輸了,就什麼機會也沒有.
在片尾播放了他們在 2004 年的比賽,真的不能不佩服他們.小小年紀志氣高,拿金牌奪冠軍! 尤其看到之後小恩及小軒的進步,那種堅持不放棄,失敗了哭了還是勇敢地站起來, 這種體育精神值得我們學習!

今天意外找到個 blog (萊恩費夫的狂想)內有一些七小福的進況及進期的比賽MV,內容很精彩,尤其是「牛奶糖小恩」一年來的努力結果在 2005 年的全國體操錦標賽拿了七面牌回去,一個字「強」,可見潛能可以被開發,但一個人的的努力也不能忽視,終能得到理想結果!

October 23, 2005

[Tech] Flock Browser

There is a new browser called Flock, which is still on the developing stage. I read an aritical from CNET.com - New browser gives taste of Web 2.0. I like to try something new, so I download the developer preview version.

Some new features:

1. build-in RSS reader
2. blogging service (I'm using Flock blog feature to post this without going to blogger site and login to edit this post)
3. online photo management and sharing service (Yahoo)

Some more things are waiting for being discovered. :) Download Flock

October 15, 2005

In Christ Alone

In Christ Alone
Brian Littrell
Album: WOW#1 2005

In Christ alone will I glory
Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I’ve been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I’ll overcome
Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand

In Christ alone
I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope

Is Christ alone

In Christ alone do I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
For only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
And now I seek no greater honor in just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord


外面傳來一陣陣鳥鳴, 並不會覺得煩人, 倒還挺悅耳的...
太陽今天還是不肯露面, 天氣陰陰暗暗的, 還開始下了場大雨
今天特別欣賞上帝創造的這些天然事物, 雖然這些都是一直圍繞在我周遭
遇爾靜下心, 聆聽大自然的聲音, 心情也得意自然...


- onecent 10/15/2005 心血來潮之作

October 14, 2005

soft link in *nix

A quick way to make a shortcut (soft link) using terminal:

ln -s [directory/file] linkFileName

October 05, 2005


Recently, my roommate has a project which she will use JSP and MySQL to build her project website. Since I'm not familiar with JSP+MySQL, it was a difficult time for me to figure out how to set it up. After doing few days research and testing, I just make it work! Actually, it was simple.

The environment I had:
Apache 2.0
Tomcat 5.5
MySQL 4.1
Java 1.5

Just need one element - java-mysql connector (Download: MySQL Connector/J)

Extract files from the package, and put mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar to %TOMCAT_HOME%/common/lib folder

Basically...that's it. Just need to write the correct JSP code to connect to MySQL. The one I had before, it contained some wrong code so that I couldn't excute it correctly and kept getting errors. Finally, I fixed it, and it worked! Now, I can help my roommate to setup her server and run JSP and MySQL lo!!!! :D

p.s: JavaWorld - a good Java community

October 03, 2005

legal music...cool!!!

My school and Cdigix offer free subscriptions for first 3000 students who register in Cdigix. I was curious about this although I heard this service last year, and I thought it's worthy of trying because it's free for 12 months. FREE and LEGAL, why not?!
It was a really cool service, I can listen to the streaming music online or download music file in local hard drive. Surprisingly, there are several asian singers in the music database, such as Andy Lau, David Tao, Coco Lee, Jay Chao. Haha... That's cool though. Recently, I am listening to some albums, such as Backstreet Boys' Never Gone, Michael W. Smith's Healing Rain, Hillsong's God He Reigns. Lots of English albums of course. Ctrax (music service in Cdigix) has over 110000 artists, 28000 records labels, 700 msic videos, and something more... Buying an album costs $9.99, or a song costs $0.89. Good deal! Ha...really happy to use cdigix service!!