August 24, 2005

Leisure Time: Go bowling

After five weeks accelerated courses, finally I got about two weeks break. Tonight, my friends and I went bowling. Ying got the best scores among us (over 160). My scores in two games were 100 and 125. Ha...although I didn't break my best scores, it is always fun to complete each other. :) By the way, there was an old man who got a really high scores -- 290 (see the picture)! When he finished throwing his last ball and continue getting strikes, everybody gave him acclamation. He almost got strike out... My average score is just about the half of his score... ^^ Anyway... just for fun!

August 09, 2005

Half class left

Um...From the begining, there were 11 students in the seminar preparation courses. After three weeks, so far, including me, there are 6 students in the class. 三個禮拜過後, 退課的退課, 撤退的撒退, 現在已經沒有回頭的餘地, 要自力自強, 堅持到最後! 希望老師也不要大開殺戒, 留我個活路吧!!! 也許 A 與我無緣, 至少也來個 B 吧~ 只要不給 F, 什麼都行呀~

August 07, 2005

Two weeks to go

Two weeks from today, I will finish writing a proposal for my master project. It is stressful to write a complete, well-written, acceptable proposal. I hope that two weeks later, I am still in a good shape.