Yeah...another useful extension for Mozilla/Firefox.
IE Tab....allow you view web pages using IE engine but viewing it in Firefox.
I think it is MUST HAVE widget for web develpers.
From now on, I don't have to open IE to test my web pages and switch between Firefox and IE lo.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Firefox rocks again! :p
February 24, 2006
Gmail Skin
Forgot where I saw the article about changing Gmail skin.
Here is the gmailskins link:
It's an extension for Mozilla rocks! :p
It allows you change gmail color scheme, and set some customized features.
Take a look at some screenshots:
My gmail screenshot:

Here is the gmailskins link:
It's an extension for Mozilla rocks! :p
It allows you change gmail color scheme, and set some customized features.
Take a look at some screenshots:
My gmail screenshot:

February 22, 2006
Knowledge up!
Yahoo Knowledge+ Report:
Current status:
Knowledge point: 985
Knowledge level: Beginner Level 4
Best Answer: 89% (25 best/28 solved)
Sooner, my level will be beginner level 3. (16 more points)
Current status:
Knowledge point: 985
Knowledge level: Beginner Level 4
Best Answer: 89% (25 best/28 solved)
Sooner, my level will be beginner level 3. (16 more points)
February 21, 2006
上個週末過得非常地充實...忙到沒時間來 blog 一下.
Birthday Surprise!
After thursday evening class, my friends gave me a surprise dinner at Applebees. 還好沒有要他們唱歌...:p 哈...接著回到家, 好像什麼事也沒發生, 過了個忙碌的一天, 已經準備上床就寢. 看看時間也過了十二點了. When leaving the bathroom, I heard some sounds from my room. 走進去一看...WOW...There was a birthday cake and a bouch of friends waiting for me. I was surprised. Thanks all my dear friends. I had a very very very surprised and happy birthday on my birthday.
說到生日當天, 就是吃好料的日子啦. 早上與友人至 south town 吃貝果當早餐. 午餐時間, 跟友人相約去 downtown 的神戶吃日本料理. 厚...讚的啦. 我們點了三樣壽司拼盤, 還有叫了一尊清酒. 說真的...不喜歡喝酒的我真的還是不要喝苦苦的酒...完全的燒酒味...咳...還是喝茶吧!
晚上, fellowship 時間, 聚會結束時, 跟其他二月生日的契友們一起慶祝生日, 一起切蛋糕, 唱生日快樂歌. 當天活動尚未結束...繼續往溜冰場前進. 話說前幾次都沒有去成, 這次終於成功地辨成溜冰活動. 每天$3.5包租冰刀鞋. 不錯的價錢. =)
週六與團契的朋友們一起去 Bristol Mountain 滑雪. 之前已經有過一次滑雪經驗了, 想說這次來個 Snowboarding 吧. 沒想到...這不是給老人家玩的...
溜滑雪板沒有像滑雪一樣那麼容易. 方向很難控制, 還要顧及平衡. 唉...老人家上半山腰去滑了一下, 大概花了將近一個小時才下山吧?! 每滑個幾尺就摔. 終於摔下山了, 也帶了滿身傷回家. 不過呢...還是蠻好玩的啦
週日晚上, 與友人相約去打保齡球. 雖然前一天帶了一身傷回來, 還是不怕死地去打球...還好手還沒廢. 成績沒有說太好, 不過也沒有太差. 三局分數分別為 108, 111, and 127. 哈...傷兵還打得出這樣的水準還算可以吧?!
以上就是上週末的忙碌行程活動報告. =)
Birthday Surprise!
After thursday evening class, my friends gave me a surprise dinner at Applebees. 還好沒有要他們唱歌...:p 哈...接著回到家, 好像什麼事也沒發生, 過了個忙碌的一天, 已經準備上床就寢. 看看時間也過了十二點了. When leaving the bathroom, I heard some sounds from my room. 走進去一看...WOW...There was a birthday cake and a bouch of friends waiting for me. I was surprised. Thanks all my dear friends. I had a very very very surprised and happy birthday on my birthday.
說到生日當天, 就是吃好料的日子啦. 早上與友人至 south town 吃貝果當早餐. 午餐時間, 跟友人相約去 downtown 的神戶吃日本料理. 厚...讚的啦. 我們點了三樣壽司拼盤, 還有叫了一尊清酒. 說真的...不喜歡喝酒的我真的還是不要喝苦苦的酒...完全的燒酒味...咳...還是喝茶吧!
晚上, fellowship 時間, 聚會結束時, 跟其他二月生日的契友們一起慶祝生日, 一起切蛋糕, 唱生日快樂歌. 當天活動尚未結束...繼續往溜冰場前進. 話說前幾次都沒有去成, 這次終於成功地辨成溜冰活動. 每天$3.5包租冰刀鞋. 不錯的價錢. =)
週六與團契的朋友們一起去 Bristol Mountain 滑雪. 之前已經有過一次滑雪經驗了, 想說這次來個 Snowboarding 吧. 沒想到...這不是給老人家玩的...
溜滑雪板沒有像滑雪一樣那麼容易. 方向很難控制, 還要顧及平衡. 唉...老人家上半山腰去滑了一下, 大概花了將近一個小時才下山吧?! 每滑個幾尺就摔. 終於摔下山了, 也帶了滿身傷回家. 不過呢...還是蠻好玩的啦
週日晚上, 與友人相約去打保齡球. 雖然前一天帶了一身傷回來, 還是不怕死地去打球...還好手還沒廢. 成績沒有說太好, 不過也沒有太差. 三局分數分別為 108, 111, and 127. 哈...傷兵還打得出這樣的水準還算可以吧?!
以上就是上週末的忙碌行程活動報告. =)
February 15, 2006
Gmail + Chat
Recently, Gmail add chat feature into it. Wow...that's really cool feature. I can check my email and chat with friends at the same time. No need to install Google Talk client, but I can use Gmail with chat through web browser. What a wonderful thing?! Besides, the response time is quite good too. Just as fast as I use any other IM client like MSN or AIM. I loved the feature so much! I'll say that Google group really does a good job.
Valentine's Day! Japanese Food & Bowling Night!
Today, Will, Mio, Wai-Wai, and I had dinner together. We went to a Japanese restaurant and Mio and I ordered Red Dragan, Underground Dragan, and Something Ave (forgot the name) Sushi Rolls. yummy!
After dinner, Will, Mio, and I went bowling again! Tonight, we got special night price - $1.0 per game, and we played three games.
I got 92, 99, and 158 (Yeah!). I don't remember what my highest score is, but I think this one might be the highest I ever have. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! :D
After dinner, Will, Mio, and I went bowling again! Tonight, we got special night price - $1.0 per game, and we played three games.
I got 92, 99, and 158 (Yeah!). I don't remember what my highest score is, but I think this one might be the highest I ever have. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! :D
February 07, 2006
I went bowling again this evening. After eating dinner, my housemate asked me to go bowling together. We went to AMF for late night bowling. Each game cost $1.5 and shoes cost $4.05 per person. Each of us played four games. Total cost each of us about $10. It was about the same price that I played last Friday, 2 hours 10 bucks and 3.5 games. =)
My scores are 122, 124, 113, and 110. Avarage is 117.25. Ha... Not bad lo, but I did not renew my highest record yet.
My scores are 122, 124, 113, and 110. Avarage is 117.25. Ha... Not bad lo, but I did not renew my highest record yet.
February 04, 2006
Yahoo Knowledge 奇摩知識+
昨天加入 奇摩知識+ 覺得這裡真的是一個分享知識的好地方。奇摩為了鼓勵大家共享知識,提供了一些累積知識點數的機制。賞罰分明。而且也能夠控制發表知識的品質。我多數在網頁製作,程式設計,及多媒體等主題區幫忙解決問題,讓我的所學的專業得以發揮所長! :) 助人為快樂之本。別人快樂,我也樂於其中,何樂而不為呢?
呵...加入兩天,回答了十幾題,目前三題解決,都得到最佳解答。呵...看來這學期當 TA 還是很有用的,在回答問題上可以更詳細地幫助他人解決問題。=) 繼續加油累積知識, 邁向專家大師級, 更向知識長挑戰。

Knowledge Report
知識等級: 初學者 5 級
知識點數:225 (其中100為註冊點數)
呵...加入兩天,回答了十幾題,目前三題解決,都得到最佳解答。呵...看來這學期當 TA 還是很有用的,在回答問題上可以更詳細地幫助他人解決問題。=) 繼續加油累積知識, 邁向專家大師級, 更向知識長挑戰。
Knowledge Report
知識等級: 初學者 5 級
知識點數:225 (其中100為註冊點數)
After fellowship on Friday night, we were planing to go ice sketing. However, lots of people went there on Friday night because of cheaper price, and they ran out of shoes. Since we could not rend shoes for ice sketing, we decided to go bowling.
We went to AMF, the bowling place near airport. On Friday night, AMF has special price which costs 10 bucks per person for two hours. During these two hours, we played about 4 games but the last one we could not finish because time was up.
My scores were 104, 103, and 100. Ha... Not very good, but at least got over or equal to 100. :p
Bowling is sooooo FUN!
We went to AMF, the bowling place near airport. On Friday night, AMF has special price which costs 10 bucks per person for two hours. During these two hours, we played about 4 games but the last one we could not finish because time was up.
My scores were 104, 103, and 100. Ha... Not very good, but at least got over or equal to 100. :p
Bowling is sooooo FUN!
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