December 17, 2006
[Software] ReNamer
ReNamer is a easy tool to use for renaming files. Sometimes I need to rename a number of files, and this tool can help me setup rules to rename files. ReNamer is a Freeware, and good to try! =)
November 20, 2006
Firefox screenshot extension
I was using a screenshot extension called 'ScreenGrab', but it does not apply to Firefox 2.0 anymore. (Now it has another release ScreenGrab 0.8 available for FF2) Thus, I have to find another screenshot extension that can be installed in Firefox 2.0. Today, I find a good one called 'Pearl Crescent Page Saver', which is an extension that lets you capture images of web pages in PNG format. =)
November 04, 2006
實情 (TVB劇集"人間蒸發"主題曲)
歌手:廖碧兒 | 作曲:鄧智偉
填詞:鄭櫻綸 | 編曲:鄧智偉
填詞:鄭櫻綸 | 編曲:鄧智偉
迷戀往事 想千遍 那管無意義
追縱百萬之 分析微細意思
尋找千里 卻別離
行近看 明白當初不過無知
如望著塵埃 穿灰塵望向外
疲累沒離開 心僅存著意外
*沉溺往事 幾千次 悔心無意義
花光氣力試 終枉然 欠意思
如光影照 正面時
行近了 能讓親手敲破無知*
迷路在人海 玻璃層疊意外
無話別離開 不甘在眼內
September 23, 2006
Writely -- Write document online!
Google provides several useful web applications online. There are two applications relatived to Office Applications which are Spreadsheets and Writely. Most people know what Word and Excel are. Here, Writely is similar to MS Word; Spreadsheets is similar to Excel. Both services allow users create and share files online. Useful web applications!!! Those services are free, and why not give a try?! =)
Oh yeah! My new PB battery is arrived!
Finally, my powerbook battery is arrived!!!
Waiting for about a month, I get back the new exchanged powerbook battery and put it back to my lovely powerbook! WooHoo!!! Happy~
Now I can bring it outsite again! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Waiting for about a month, I get back the new exchanged powerbook battery and put it back to my lovely powerbook! WooHoo!!! Happy~
Now I can bring it outsite again! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
August 30, 2006
Oh yeah! I got my diploma from school!
I was just wondering where my diploma goes. This May, I graduated from school and completed master degree. Waiting for about 3 months after graduation, I finally got my diploma. =) oh yeah!
Goodbye Exchanged PB battery
This afternoon, I sent my PowerBook battery to Apple Store to exchange a battery. However, I could not get a new battery immediately, the salesman said that I had to leave the battery there for about 4 to 6 weeks until the new battery arrives. Therefore, from now on, I do not have any battery in my PowerBook, and I have to wait about one and half month to get a new battery.... Sigh... Hope that I can have it back as soon as possible; otherwise, I cannot bring my PowerBook anywhere without a charging adaptor.
August 26, 2006
Powerbook battery exchange!!!
Oh oh.... I need to exchange my PowerBook G4 battery!!!
News (CNET):
Apple recalls 1.8 million batteries
Apple site news:
Battery Exchange Program iBook G4 and PowerBook G4
I bought my powerbook in Sep. 2005. (batteries sold for computer use from October 2003 through August 2006)
According to Apple's chart, my battery is just fall on its recall range. (o_o!!!)
My battery info:
15-inch PowerBook G4 Rechargeable Battery
Model: A1078
First 5 digits of serial number: 3K527
Computer / Model / Serial Number (first 5 digits range)
News (CNET):
Apple recalls 1.8 million batteries
Apple site news:
Battery Exchange Program iBook G4 and PowerBook G4
I bought my powerbook in Sep. 2005. (batteries sold for computer use from October 2003 through August 2006)
According to Apple's chart, my battery is just fall on its recall range. (o_o!!!)
My battery info:
15-inch PowerBook G4 Rechargeable Battery
Model: A1078
First 5 digits of serial number: 3K527
If you also have iBook G4/PowerBook G4, make sure go to Apple's recall page to check your battery!
15-inch PowerBook G4 A1078 and A1148 3K425 - 3K601
6N530 - 6N551
July 19, 2006
一根迴紋針 one red paperclip

A man called Kyle MacDonald living in Montreal took one red paperclip and exchanged for a house. He took about an year to achieve this goal.
See more details:
one red paperclip (Kyle MacDonald's blog)
Blogger proves one red paper clip can indeed buy a house (CNN)Blogger starts with paper clip, ends with house (USA Today)
迴紋針真的換到免費房子!加國男子藉網路力量圓夢 (CNET)
迴紋針真的換到免費房子!加國男子藉網路力量圓夢 (Yahoo)
June 14, 2006
May 21, 2006
RENT: Seasons of Love [Lyrics]
Seasons of Love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love
Seasons of love. Seasons of love
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned,
Or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Remember the love!
Remember the love!
Seasons of love!
Oh you got to got to Remember the love! remember the love,
You Measure in love know that love is a gift from up above Seasons of love.
Share love, give love spread love Measure measure you life in love.

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love? Measure in love
Seasons of love. Seasons of love
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?
In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned,
Or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Remember the love!
Remember the love!
Seasons of love!
Oh you got to got to Remember the love! remember the love,
You Measure in love know that love is a gift from up above Seasons of love.
Share love, give love spread love Measure measure you life in love.
Toronto Trip
Yesterday I went to Toronto, Canada with church friends together. We went to 北來順 near Pacific Mall to have 北京烤鴨(三吃),小籠湯包,蔥油餅。Then we went around in the Pacific Mall until 5pm. Dinner time, we had 'all you can eat' Korean BBQ, and plus $1 for 'all you can drink'. 吃喝玩樂多倫多團一天接近尾聲。All of us except Katherine went to Dan Hu's apartment to have a cup of 美酒加咖啡, then we saw the movie version of RENT. The music is sooooooo good, and I especially love the song called 'Seasons of Love'.

May 18, 2006
SkypeOut is FREE until the end of 2006
Yeah...A good news...
"Calling people on Skype is totally free. It's also free to call landlines and mobiles within the US and Canada until the end of the year." -- Skype

Get Skype:
Ha...still have half year...yeah yeah yeah!!!
"Calling people on Skype is totally free. It's also free to call landlines and mobiles within the US and Canada until the end of the year." -- Skype

Get Skype:
Ha...still have half year...yeah yeah yeah!!!
iPod Directions
Do you have iPod??
Here is a cool stuffs to enhance your iPod...
Save directions to your iPod when you travel around (US & Canada).

See more details:
Here is a cool stuffs to enhance your iPod...
Save directions to your iPod when you travel around (US & Canada).

See more details:
Google Notebook
Google Notebook
It's a good idea...
Usually I will take notes in class using email or through ssh to save notes on my own server. But you know sometimes they are not quite in order. NOW...Google Notebook provides this function...HeeHee... good to keep them in categories. =)
It's a good idea...
Usually I will take notes in class using email or through ssh to save notes on my own server. But you know sometimes they are not quite in order. NOW...Google Notebook provides this function...HeeHee... good to keep them in categories. =)
May 06, 2006
I finished my capstone defense this afternoon and just got home. =) YEAH!!! ALL DONE!!!
I want to give thanks...
Thanks Lord lead and be with me through the whole process.
Thanks my family support me from the other side of the earth.
Thanks my friends who came to support me. Thanks Will, Andrea, and Francies.
Thanks my project committees let me pass the capstone project.
Thanks everyone who prays for me.
Thanks for having good weather and spring festival today.
Thanks, thanks and give more thanks!!! =)
HAPPY!!! Just wanna share how happy I am right now. v( ̄︶ ̄)y
Now...It's time to catch up some sleep. :p RELAX a little bit... 呼...
I want to give thanks...
Thanks Lord lead and be with me through the whole process.
Thanks my family support me from the other side of the earth.
Thanks my friends who came to support me. Thanks Will, Andrea, and Francies.
Thanks my project committees let me pass the capstone project.
Thanks everyone who prays for me.
Thanks for having good weather and spring festival today.
Thanks, thanks and give more thanks!!! =)
HAPPY!!! Just wanna share how happy I am right now. v( ̄︶ ̄)y
Now...It's time to catch up some sleep. :p RELAX a little bit... 呼...
April 19, 2006
Defense Scheduled!
OK....Here we go....
My defense time is scheduled. It's time to count down la...
2 more weeks, my defense is coming!
Date: May 5th, 2006
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: 70-2500
I feel a little bit nervous now, and I need to review what I've done on my project. AH~~~~
God, I need Your help! I need You to be with me through the whole process on my defense. I put my project defense in Your hand. I believe that You will lead me until it is completed. Thanks Lord. Amen
For anyone who is reading this, please pray for me! Hope I will not get nervous; hope I can speak fluently; hope I can present well in front of everybody who comes to my defense.
My defense time is scheduled. It's time to count down la...
2 more weeks, my defense is coming!
Date: May 5th, 2006
Time: 2:00 PM
Location: 70-2500
I feel a little bit nervous now, and I need to review what I've done on my project. AH~~~~
God, I need Your help! I need You to be with me through the whole process on my defense. I put my project defense in Your hand. I believe that You will lead me until it is completed. Thanks Lord. Amen
For anyone who is reading this, please pray for me! Hope I will not get nervous; hope I can speak fluently; hope I can present well in front of everybody who comes to my defense.
Come Holy Spirit (聖靈請你來)
Come Holy Spirit (聖靈請你來)
- City Harvest Church
Come Holy Spirit fall on me now
I need your anoiting come in your power
I love you Holy Spirit
You came to captivating my soul
And everyday I grow to love you more
I'm reaching for your heart
You hold my life in your hand
Drawing me closer to you
I feel your power renew
Nothing compares to this place
Where I can see you face to face
I worship you in spirit and in truth
我要追求你主 我將生命獻給你
牽引我更親近你 你大能更新我靈
無人能與你相比 主我仰望你的榮面
- City Harvest Church
Come Holy Spirit fall on me now
I need your anoiting come in your power
I love you Holy Spirit
You came to captivating my soul
And everyday I grow to love you more
I'm reaching for your heart
You hold my life in your hand
Drawing me closer to you
I feel your power renew
Nothing compares to this place
Where I can see you face to face
I worship you in spirit and in truth
我要追求你主 我將生命獻給你
牽引我更親近你 你大能更新我靈
無人能與你相比 主我仰望你的榮面
April 18, 2006
April 05, 2006
Snow in April
Snow again?! It's already April. The weather was nice a couple of days last week. BUT today, it snowed a little bit. still changes. Keeping and staying warm is necessary until spring really comes. =)
April 03, 2006
謎情家族: 愛的推理
愛的推理 (謎情家族主题曲)
作曲:Gary Chan
編曲/監製:Gary Chan
你太過完美 才會怕你嫌棄
唯有故作神秘 來激起你好奇
我怕你完美 眼光竟可這麼鋒利
埋頭愛你 完場結尾 生與死 也歡喜
我收起 自己一個去活在密室想你
誰又探秘 誰能揭秘 偵探都枉花心機
情感這麼荒謬怎可推理 從不敢望真你
如果當我洩漏隱秘 只害怕你看不起
謎底這麼尖銳好比兇器 何苦追查真理 若果擁抱你
只恐怕你 未道別便遠離 難以看穿先最美
你有你忘記 而我有我陪你
誰要與你遊戲 何必推算預期
要故作神秘 我都只好閃身躲避
毫無氧氣 仍能愛你 悲與喜 記不起
對不起 這種心理我並未學識推理
留在暗角 迷離撲朔 驚有天樂極生悲
作曲:Gary Chan
編曲/監製:Gary Chan
你太過完美 才會怕你嫌棄
唯有故作神秘 來激起你好奇
我怕你完美 眼光竟可這麼鋒利
埋頭愛你 完場結尾 生與死 也歡喜
我收起 自己一個去活在密室想你
誰又探秘 誰能揭秘 偵探都枉花心機
情感這麼荒謬怎可推理 從不敢望真你
如果當我洩漏隱秘 只害怕你看不起
謎底這麼尖銳好比兇器 何苦追查真理 若果擁抱你
只恐怕你 未道別便遠離 難以看穿先最美
你有你忘記 而我有我陪你
誰要與你遊戲 何必推算預期
要故作神秘 我都只好閃身躲避
毫無氧氣 仍能愛你 悲與喜 記不起
對不起 這種心理我並未學識推理
留在暗角 迷離撲朔 驚有天樂極生悲
April 01, 2006
The Lion King

All the scenes are so familar to me that seems to take me back to the time when I saw the Disney animation- The Lion King.
I love all the music and songs they presented tonight. They did a great job! Actually...only one little mistake...the microphone... only a little moment it seemed that the microphone did not be set right and a loud voice came out...sigh.... just this a little bit mistake.
Ha...just remembered onr more thing...烏鴉(crow)在其中一幕轉一轉被舞台的柱子給卡住了一下下 (應該撞暈掉下來才對...哈)
Overall, I loved and enjoyed the show! Roar...
March 29, 2006
Break my bowling record!!!
March 25, 2006
1リットルの涙 (一升的眼淚)
「不要著急 不要貪心 不要放棄 大家都是一步一步行走前進的」
「病魔...為什麼選擇了我 命運這樣的字眼 是讓人無法接受的 想要做出時光機器回到過去」
「雖然也會被無心的目光所刺傷 也明白了同樣有溫柔的目光」
「摔倒了有什麼呢?再站起來就行了 摔倒的同時仰望天空 藍藍的天空今天也是廣闊無邊的微笑著」
「人不是活在過去的 做現在力所能及的事就可以了」
「不要著急 不要貪心 不要放棄 大家都是一步一步行走前進的」
「病魔...為什麼選擇了我 命運這樣的字眼 是讓人無法接受的 想要做出時光機器回到過去」
「雖然也會被無心的目光所刺傷 也明白了同樣有溫柔的目光」
「摔倒了有什麼呢?再站起來就行了 摔倒的同時仰望天空 藍藍的天空今天也是廣闊無邊的微笑著」
「人不是活在過去的 做現在力所能及的事就可以了」
March 11, 2006
Gentoo - startx
By default, gentoo is set to text mode. If I want to use like KDE graphic desktop environment, I have to change .xinitrc in my home directory.
Modify .xinitrc:
Modify .xinitrc:
echo "exec startkde" > ~/.xinitrc
Start XWindow: startx
Configure KDE:
Finished installing Gentoo Linux
Yeah! Finally, I got Gentoo installed. Yesterday was a long day for testing. Although it was failed, I can try to use GUI installer again. This time, I know where to change, and get it better. However, it really takes a lot of time to complete installing Gentoo. From restalling to completing, it tooks about 21 hours including setting, emerging, and compiling additional packages. Anyways, I success this time (took me about three days...orz)!! (^_^)y
March 10, 2006
Gentoo Linux 2006.0

February 24, 2006
IE Tab extension
Yeah...another useful extension for Mozilla/Firefox.
IE Tab....allow you view web pages using IE engine but viewing it in Firefox.
I think it is MUST HAVE widget for web develpers.
From now on, I don't have to open IE to test my web pages and switch between Firefox and IE lo.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Firefox rocks again! :p
IE Tab....allow you view web pages using IE engine but viewing it in Firefox.
I think it is MUST HAVE widget for web develpers.
From now on, I don't have to open IE to test my web pages and switch between Firefox and IE lo.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Firefox rocks again! :p
Gmail Skin
Forgot where I saw the article about changing Gmail skin.
Here is the gmailskins link:
It's an extension for Mozilla rocks! :p
It allows you change gmail color scheme, and set some customized features.
Take a look at some screenshots:
My gmail screenshot:

Here is the gmailskins link:
It's an extension for Mozilla rocks! :p
It allows you change gmail color scheme, and set some customized features.
Take a look at some screenshots:
My gmail screenshot:

February 22, 2006
Knowledge up!
Yahoo Knowledge+ Report:
Current status:
Knowledge point: 985
Knowledge level: Beginner Level 4
Best Answer: 89% (25 best/28 solved)
Sooner, my level will be beginner level 3. (16 more points)
Current status:
Knowledge point: 985
Knowledge level: Beginner Level 4
Best Answer: 89% (25 best/28 solved)
Sooner, my level will be beginner level 3. (16 more points)
February 21, 2006
上個週末過得非常地充實...忙到沒時間來 blog 一下.
Birthday Surprise!
After thursday evening class, my friends gave me a surprise dinner at Applebees. 還好沒有要他們唱歌...:p 哈...接著回到家, 好像什麼事也沒發生, 過了個忙碌的一天, 已經準備上床就寢. 看看時間也過了十二點了. When leaving the bathroom, I heard some sounds from my room. 走進去一看...WOW...There was a birthday cake and a bouch of friends waiting for me. I was surprised. Thanks all my dear friends. I had a very very very surprised and happy birthday on my birthday.
說到生日當天, 就是吃好料的日子啦. 早上與友人至 south town 吃貝果當早餐. 午餐時間, 跟友人相約去 downtown 的神戶吃日本料理. 厚...讚的啦. 我們點了三樣壽司拼盤, 還有叫了一尊清酒. 說真的...不喜歡喝酒的我真的還是不要喝苦苦的酒...完全的燒酒味...咳...還是喝茶吧!
晚上, fellowship 時間, 聚會結束時, 跟其他二月生日的契友們一起慶祝生日, 一起切蛋糕, 唱生日快樂歌. 當天活動尚未結束...繼續往溜冰場前進. 話說前幾次都沒有去成, 這次終於成功地辨成溜冰活動. 每天$3.5包租冰刀鞋. 不錯的價錢. =)
週六與團契的朋友們一起去 Bristol Mountain 滑雪. 之前已經有過一次滑雪經驗了, 想說這次來個 Snowboarding 吧. 沒想到...這不是給老人家玩的...
溜滑雪板沒有像滑雪一樣那麼容易. 方向很難控制, 還要顧及平衡. 唉...老人家上半山腰去滑了一下, 大概花了將近一個小時才下山吧?! 每滑個幾尺就摔. 終於摔下山了, 也帶了滿身傷回家. 不過呢...還是蠻好玩的啦
週日晚上, 與友人相約去打保齡球. 雖然前一天帶了一身傷回來, 還是不怕死地去打球...還好手還沒廢. 成績沒有說太好, 不過也沒有太差. 三局分數分別為 108, 111, and 127. 哈...傷兵還打得出這樣的水準還算可以吧?!
以上就是上週末的忙碌行程活動報告. =)
Birthday Surprise!
After thursday evening class, my friends gave me a surprise dinner at Applebees. 還好沒有要他們唱歌...:p 哈...接著回到家, 好像什麼事也沒發生, 過了個忙碌的一天, 已經準備上床就寢. 看看時間也過了十二點了. When leaving the bathroom, I heard some sounds from my room. 走進去一看...WOW...There was a birthday cake and a bouch of friends waiting for me. I was surprised. Thanks all my dear friends. I had a very very very surprised and happy birthday on my birthday.
說到生日當天, 就是吃好料的日子啦. 早上與友人至 south town 吃貝果當早餐. 午餐時間, 跟友人相約去 downtown 的神戶吃日本料理. 厚...讚的啦. 我們點了三樣壽司拼盤, 還有叫了一尊清酒. 說真的...不喜歡喝酒的我真的還是不要喝苦苦的酒...完全的燒酒味...咳...還是喝茶吧!
晚上, fellowship 時間, 聚會結束時, 跟其他二月生日的契友們一起慶祝生日, 一起切蛋糕, 唱生日快樂歌. 當天活動尚未結束...繼續往溜冰場前進. 話說前幾次都沒有去成, 這次終於成功地辨成溜冰活動. 每天$3.5包租冰刀鞋. 不錯的價錢. =)
週六與團契的朋友們一起去 Bristol Mountain 滑雪. 之前已經有過一次滑雪經驗了, 想說這次來個 Snowboarding 吧. 沒想到...這不是給老人家玩的...
溜滑雪板沒有像滑雪一樣那麼容易. 方向很難控制, 還要顧及平衡. 唉...老人家上半山腰去滑了一下, 大概花了將近一個小時才下山吧?! 每滑個幾尺就摔. 終於摔下山了, 也帶了滿身傷回家. 不過呢...還是蠻好玩的啦
週日晚上, 與友人相約去打保齡球. 雖然前一天帶了一身傷回來, 還是不怕死地去打球...還好手還沒廢. 成績沒有說太好, 不過也沒有太差. 三局分數分別為 108, 111, and 127. 哈...傷兵還打得出這樣的水準還算可以吧?!
以上就是上週末的忙碌行程活動報告. =)
February 15, 2006
Gmail + Chat
Recently, Gmail add chat feature into it. Wow...that's really cool feature. I can check my email and chat with friends at the same time. No need to install Google Talk client, but I can use Gmail with chat through web browser. What a wonderful thing?! Besides, the response time is quite good too. Just as fast as I use any other IM client like MSN or AIM. I loved the feature so much! I'll say that Google group really does a good job.
Valentine's Day! Japanese Food & Bowling Night!
Today, Will, Mio, Wai-Wai, and I had dinner together. We went to a Japanese restaurant and Mio and I ordered Red Dragan, Underground Dragan, and Something Ave (forgot the name) Sushi Rolls. yummy!
After dinner, Will, Mio, and I went bowling again! Tonight, we got special night price - $1.0 per game, and we played three games.
I got 92, 99, and 158 (Yeah!). I don't remember what my highest score is, but I think this one might be the highest I ever have. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! :D
After dinner, Will, Mio, and I went bowling again! Tonight, we got special night price - $1.0 per game, and we played three games.
I got 92, 99, and 158 (Yeah!). I don't remember what my highest score is, but I think this one might be the highest I ever have. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! :D
February 07, 2006
I went bowling again this evening. After eating dinner, my housemate asked me to go bowling together. We went to AMF for late night bowling. Each game cost $1.5 and shoes cost $4.05 per person. Each of us played four games. Total cost each of us about $10. It was about the same price that I played last Friday, 2 hours 10 bucks and 3.5 games. =)
My scores are 122, 124, 113, and 110. Avarage is 117.25. Ha... Not bad lo, but I did not renew my highest record yet.
My scores are 122, 124, 113, and 110. Avarage is 117.25. Ha... Not bad lo, but I did not renew my highest record yet.
February 04, 2006
Yahoo Knowledge 奇摩知識+
昨天加入 奇摩知識+ 覺得這裡真的是一個分享知識的好地方。奇摩為了鼓勵大家共享知識,提供了一些累積知識點數的機制。賞罰分明。而且也能夠控制發表知識的品質。我多數在網頁製作,程式設計,及多媒體等主題區幫忙解決問題,讓我的所學的專業得以發揮所長! :) 助人為快樂之本。別人快樂,我也樂於其中,何樂而不為呢?
呵...加入兩天,回答了十幾題,目前三題解決,都得到最佳解答。呵...看來這學期當 TA 還是很有用的,在回答問題上可以更詳細地幫助他人解決問題。=) 繼續加油累積知識, 邁向專家大師級, 更向知識長挑戰。

Knowledge Report
知識等級: 初學者 5 級
知識點數:225 (其中100為註冊點數)
呵...加入兩天,回答了十幾題,目前三題解決,都得到最佳解答。呵...看來這學期當 TA 還是很有用的,在回答問題上可以更詳細地幫助他人解決問題。=) 繼續加油累積知識, 邁向專家大師級, 更向知識長挑戰。
Knowledge Report
知識等級: 初學者 5 級
知識點數:225 (其中100為註冊點數)
After fellowship on Friday night, we were planing to go ice sketing. However, lots of people went there on Friday night because of cheaper price, and they ran out of shoes. Since we could not rend shoes for ice sketing, we decided to go bowling.
We went to AMF, the bowling place near airport. On Friday night, AMF has special price which costs 10 bucks per person for two hours. During these two hours, we played about 4 games but the last one we could not finish because time was up.
My scores were 104, 103, and 100. Ha... Not very good, but at least got over or equal to 100. :p
Bowling is sooooo FUN!
We went to AMF, the bowling place near airport. On Friday night, AMF has special price which costs 10 bucks per person for two hours. During these two hours, we played about 4 games but the last one we could not finish because time was up.
My scores were 104, 103, and 100. Ha... Not very good, but at least got over or equal to 100. :p
Bowling is sooooo FUN!
January 31, 2006
Wahaha...Got my paycheck!
This afternoon, I got my first paycheck from RIT. Actually, I got two checks because I missed the first pay. 雖然新年沒有壓歲錢可拿, 但這個 Quarter 當 TA 得來的薪水就當做我的 "利是" 吧! 哈哈哈...有零用錢囉...
Nice weather for walking
Although yesterday the weather was bad, raining all day long, today it is quite comfortable. Not too cold to walk.
I just walked back from school. Actually, I was not planing to walk home. At that time, I was waiting for campus shuttle bus at south loop. However, after waiting for about twenty minutes, the bus was still not coming. Therefor, I decided to go to Java Wally to get a cup of coffee and walk home. I took twenty-five-minute walk from Library to my apartment. On the way home, I enjoyed the time and saw many people going outside for activities.
I could not take pictures when walking home because I lent my digital camera to Mr. Ying, who is helping his housemate to take some pictures. Anyways, it is really nice for walking and doing outdoor sports today. =D
I just walked back from school. Actually, I was not planing to walk home. At that time, I was waiting for campus shuttle bus at south loop. However, after waiting for about twenty minutes, the bus was still not coming. Therefor, I decided to go to Java Wally to get a cup of coffee and walk home. I took twenty-five-minute walk from Library to my apartment. On the way home, I enjoyed the time and saw many people going outside for activities.
I could not take pictures when walking home because I lent my digital camera to Mr. Ying, who is helping his housemate to take some pictures. Anyways, it is really nice for walking and doing outdoor sports today. =D
January 28, 2006
No heater...
Ah...What happened? No heater in the winter?
Since this Thursday night, the heater just suddenly stopped working. The temperature is ver low these days. Without heater, it is hard to fall asleep.
When will housing come to fix it up? We NEED heater!!!
Since this Thursday night, the heater just suddenly stopped working. The temperature is ver low these days. Without heater, it is hard to fall asleep.
When will housing come to fix it up? We NEED heater!!!
January 26, 2006
Driving in snowy day
This evening I was in IT open lab and met some friends and my housemate. When we were about to go home by bus, one of my friends lent his car to me and let me drive home. The weather was bad outside at that time. It was snowing.
Although the weather was bad, I drove home safely. This is my first time driving car during the winter time especially in the snowing day. It is a new record for me. =)
Although the weather was bad, I drove home safely. This is my first time driving car during the winter time especially in the snowing day. It is a new record for me. =)
呵呵...意外地發現另外一個"遺失"的...手...套. (喜)
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 總算它還是回來~
Anyways...寶貝手套失而復得囉...Happy! =D
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! 總算它還是回來~
Anyways...寶貝手套失而復得囉...Happy! =D
January 24, 2006
It's hard to write in English because this article is all about Chinese Characters/Language.
代表心情 & 動作
(做筆記) : 這是聽 Rita 說的, 因為我跟她說要把這些新興語言記錄下來...所以我現在正在做筆記
(空),(呆),(汗): 把心情或動作放在括號中 (終於明白為什麼彎彎的插圖總是一兩個字...same idea)
Orz = 心情很鬱卒的趴在地上磕頭 ﹣ O頭, r 手撐著地, z 腳跪著
Or2 = 同上, 2 是代表翹屁股
囧 = 失望的表情
囧rz = 強調失望表情的鬱卒
囧興 = 強調失望表情的烏龜
被說是 "好人" 也有特別意思?
好人 - 當有人要與你交往時, 但是你不好意思明顯的拒絕, 就跟他說他是個好人,也就是 "客套拒絕" 啦
卡? 什麼卡?
朋友卡 ﹣ 被拒絕當男女朋友時收到的卡
收了幾張卡? 表示問失敗幾次
剛發現也有跟我一樣LKK的網客把它也給 blog 下來: 什麼是 orz
哇咧...還有歌的咧: Orz 之歌
點去看看更多的 orz 解說...
(2006/01/26 added)
再看看 Wiki 的精闢解說...失意體前屈 Orz
代表心情 & 動作
(做筆記) : 這是聽 Rita 說的, 因為我跟她說要把這些新興語言記錄下來...所以我現在正在做筆記
(空),(呆),(汗): 把心情或動作放在括號中 (終於明白為什麼彎彎的插圖總是一兩個字...same idea)
Orz = 心情很鬱卒的趴在地上磕頭 ﹣ O頭, r 手撐著地, z 腳跪著
Or2 = 同上, 2 是代表翹屁股
囧 = 失望的表情
囧rz = 強調失望表情的鬱卒
囧興 = 強調失望表情的烏龜
被說是 "好人" 也有特別意思?
好人 - 當有人要與你交往時, 但是你不好意思明顯的拒絕, 就跟他說他是個好人,也就是 "客套拒絕" 啦
卡? 什麼卡?
朋友卡 ﹣ 被拒絕當男女朋友時收到的卡
收了幾張卡? 表示問失敗幾次
剛發現也有跟我一樣LKK的網客把它也給 blog 下來: 什麼是 orz
哇咧...還有歌的咧: Orz 之歌
點去看看更多的 orz 解說...
(2006/01/26 added)
再看看 Wiki 的精闢解說...失意體前屈 Orz
January 17, 2006
New housemate
I got a new housemate today. Her name is Rita who is from Taiwan. She is a graduate student studying in something service management (I forgot! :p) Hope we can get along with each other the following days during the quarter. :)
唉...不得不承認歲月不人饒人...最近常忘東忘西...還弄丟了兩件陪我渡過幾個寒冷冬天的寶貝 -- 帽子 & 手套. 前幾天才找不到我的帽子, 今天卻在早上用了手套後, 過陣子要再使用時, 才發現只剩下一支手跟我招手. 唉...怎麼會這樣咧? 難道在新的一年一定要趕上舊的不去新的不來嗎? 不管怎麼樣...我還是需要它們來幫我渡過這個冰天雪地的冬天啊...
January 16, 2006
[Mac] Color your bash
I love color feature in terminal when I use Linux so that I can distinguish which file type it is, such as folder, file, image. However, in Mac system, its terminal seems not set that by default. I tried to enter ls --color=always
like I use in Linux, but it does not work in a Mac. Today, I found a solution online: Mac OS X Tiger: Bash Colors
System: Mac OS X 10.4
- Modify
- Add two lines in the file:
export CLICOLOR=1
export TERM=xterm-color - Close Terminal, and re-open the terminal.
- Color feature works in Mac terminal now!
January 15, 2006
[Server] develop .NET in different platforms
Usually, developers develop .NET in Windows Box. Now, Mono makes it possible to develop .NET in different platforms, such as Mac OS X, Unix, Linux, and of course Windows. It is good to know that I am able to develop .NET application in other than Windows platform. I do not yet have a chance to take a look of .NET. However, because of Mono Project, I may try to doing some .NET application in my leisure time. =D
January 14, 2006
Final decision: Retreat WON!
After thinking of my delimma, the result is that RCCCF 2006 Retreat won the competition. I saw a scripture on the calendar in front of me. It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6) 你要專心仰賴耶和華,不可依靠自己的聰明,在你一切所行的事上,都要認定他,他必指引你的路 (箴言 3:5-6)". I trust in the Lord and acknowledge him in all my ways, and I believe that my Lord will make my paths straight. I may lose something in some ways, but I may gain more in other ways. Anyways, my Lord is my head, and my choice will please him, for I believe.
January 12, 2006
Retreat v.s Charrette
Next coming week comes two big events - RCCCF 2006 Retreat and RIT Humber Charrette. One is from church, and one is from school. Both events happen on the same weekend from January 20-22, 2006. It is a dilemma for me because I want to go to both events; however, I know I cannot, and I have to choose only one. The school event is a good oppotunity to work with another school students to design solutions for specific topics using Macromedia Flash, which is my study field and future work field. Besides, the final projects will be presented on April in FITC conference in Canada. On the other hand, since I missed the retreat last year, I do not want to miss again this year. How should I do??? Ah......
January 10, 2006
[Windows] Virtual Desktop Manager
After I found virtual desktop manager for Mac, I googled if I could find one for Windows. Good news is that Microsoft has its own tools called PowerToys. Yeah! I can use virtual desktop in Windows/Mac/Linux. Although MS desktop manager is not as pretty as Mac ones, it is good tool for using anyway.
Download: Virtual Desktop Manager (550Kb)
Start using the power tool: after installing, right click 'taskbar' -> 'toolbars' -> 'Desktop Manager'
taskbar - Sesktop Manager
four virtual desktops displayed and previewed at the same time (similar to Dashboard in Mac)
Download: Virtual Desktop Manager (550Kb)
Start using the power tool: after installing, right click 'taskbar' -> 'toolbars' -> 'Desktop Manager'
taskbar - Sesktop Manager

four virtual desktops displayed and previewed at the same time (similar to Dashboard in Mac)

[Mac] Desktop Manager
Few days ago, I was talking with a friend who just got a powerbook recently. We were talking about some good features in a Mac, and something maybe perfect if a Mac has certain features. I used Linux OS before, and I loved its multiple virtual desktop feature. I told to my friend, "if a Mac has this feature, I will be happier using Mac." :p
Today, I found an application that fits to my need. Desktop Manager is the one I was looking for. It allows users have more than two vitural desktop, and users can switch their desktop easily.
Download: Desktop Manager
virtual desktop icons in the status bar:
virtual desktop icons on the desktop:
switching desktop:
Today, I found an application that fits to my need. Desktop Manager is the one I was looking for. It allows users have more than two vitural desktop, and users can switch their desktop easily.
Download: Desktop Manager
virtual desktop icons in the status bar:

virtual desktop icons on the desktop:

switching desktop:

January 09, 2006
138?! What is it?
I had lunch after church with church people. Alvin was talking about 138. So...What is it?!
138 means 1 sentence, 3 words, and 8 letters.
For examples:
I love you.
I hate you.
Both these two sentenses are composed of 1 sentense, 3 words, and 8 letters.
Can anybody think about some other sentenses composed of 1-3-8 rule?
I had lunch after church with church people. Alvin was talking about 138. So...What is it?!
138 means 1 sentence, 3 words, and 8 letters.
For examples:
I love you.
I hate you.
Both these two sentenses are composed of 1 sentense, 3 words, and 8 letters.
Can anybody think about some other sentenses composed of 1-3-8 rule?
January 08, 2006
Flash - Mini-Mizer
I use the Mini-Mizer to create an image of myself. :) The Mini-Mizer is a Flash based customized service which allows users to create images just clicking buttons. Click the link to create your own! The Mini-Mizer
January 06, 2006
[Mac] Widget -- Screenshot Plus

I want to introduce one MUST HAVE widget -- Screenshot Plus
This widget helps me a lot when I want to catch some screenshots on my Mac. Of course, I can use short cut to catch full screen shot, specific area, or specific window. However, it would be great if I can just click a button and everything is done for me. Screenshot Plus offers the functions mentioned above; moreover, it also provides widget screenshot. Overall, I give 5 stars to this widget!!! :D
January 04, 2006
[iPod] NYC subway map
Today, I found a useful stuff from the Internet. This is from (subway map for iPod). If I had found it earlier, I could use when I was in New York City. Anyway, the site contains lots of subway maps from different cities, such as NYC, Boston, Tokyo, and so on. Check for more info.
January 01, 2006
Time Square - Count Down 2006
5,4,3,2,1...Happy New Year!
I spent my last day of 2005 in Time Square for count down 2006. My friends and I total four people went to Time Square yesterday afternoon. We thought we arrived early enough to get a good spot. However, when we got there, some streets and roads were closed. We had to go around other street to get into Time Square. When we arrived at 45 st., a police man asked us keep going to 49 st. because the street was closed. Sigh... Finally we got into a place near Time Square. During few hours, we were able to get closer to 47 st. That was the closest place we could get. At least it was close to the stage. Too many people gethered there as you can see the picture I took.
The weather was bad in the afternoon. It was raining and snowing. Icy and cold. Fortunately, it did not snow or rain at night. Can you imagine that we spent about 8 hours standing outdoor in cold temperature (28F/-2C).
Waiting for hours and hours, the latest 60 seconds were the most exciting time - count down for 2006 New Year! I would say it was a special experience for me to celebrate new year with thousands and thousands people at the same time. COOL~
Anyway~ Happy New Year!!! and Good Night!
I spent my last day of 2005 in Time Square for count down 2006. My friends and I total four people went to Time Square yesterday afternoon. We thought we arrived early enough to get a good spot. However, when we got there, some streets and roads were closed. We had to go around other street to get into Time Square. When we arrived at 45 st., a police man asked us keep going to 49 st. because the street was closed. Sigh... Finally we got into a place near Time Square. During few hours, we were able to get closer to 47 st. That was the closest place we could get. At least it was close to the stage. Too many people gethered there as you can see the picture I took.
The weather was bad in the afternoon. It was raining and snowing. Icy and cold. Fortunately, it did not snow or rain at night. Can you imagine that we spent about 8 hours standing outdoor in cold temperature (28F/-2C).
Waiting for hours and hours, the latest 60 seconds were the most exciting time - count down for 2006 New Year! I would say it was a special experience for me to celebrate new year with thousands and thousands people at the same time. COOL~
Anyway~ Happy New Year!!! and Good Night!
New Year's Eve
I'm going to Time Square to count down for 2006. It will be a cool memory during my abroad study. I'll post photos I take tonight and continue blogging next year! Happy New Year everyone!
Vizcaya is near downtown Miami. It is a big big place with a huge and beautiful garden. I am not interested in the house but the garden. Outside view is gorgeous. What a wonderful picture, isn't it?
Merrick Park
The 3rd day staying in Miami, I went to Village of Merrick Park, which is an EXPENSIVE shopping mall. However, I didn't buy anything there, and just went window shopping. Ha... The money I spent there was on FOOD! :p I think it is not a place for me to shop but photograph.
Christmas Eve
This Christmas Eve I was in Miami South Beach. The photo I took is located on Lincoln Road. :) Our Savior was born!
Disney Magic Kingdom
Dec. 23, 2005
Magic Kingdom
I went through:
1 Space Mountain
2 Stitch's Great Escape
3 Tomorrowland Indy Speedway
4 Mickey's PhilharMagic
5 The Haunted Mansion
6 Peter Pan's Flight
7 Snow White's Scary Adventures
8 Splash Mountain
9 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
10 Country Bear Jamboree
11 Share A Dream Come True Parade (Afternoon 3:00pm)
12 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
13 Tomorrowland Transit Authority
14 Galaxy Palace Theater
15 Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin
16 Cinderllabration
17 Share A Dream Come True Parade (Night 8:00pm)
Magic Kingdom
I went through:
1 Space Mountain
2 Stitch's Great Escape
3 Tomorrowland Indy Speedway
4 Mickey's PhilharMagic
5 The Haunted Mansion
6 Peter Pan's Flight
7 Snow White's Scary Adventures
8 Splash Mountain
9 Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
10 Country Bear Jamboree
11 Share A Dream Come True Parade (Afternoon 3:00pm)
12 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
13 Tomorrowland Transit Authority
14 Galaxy Palace Theater
15 Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin
16 Cinderllabration
17 Share A Dream Come True Parade (Night 8:00pm)
Disney Epcot
Dec. 22, 2005
I went through:
1 Living with the Land
2 The Circle of Life
3 Honey, I Shrunk the Audience
4 ImageWorks-The Kodak "What If" Labs
5 Soarin
6 Test Track
7 Mission: SPACE
8 Advanced Training Lab
9 Ellen's Energy Adventure
10 Innoventions East
11 The Living Seas
12 Impressions de France
I went through:
1 Living with the Land
2 The Circle of Life
3 Honey, I Shrunk the Audience
4 ImageWorks-The Kodak "What If" Labs
5 Soarin
6 Test Track
7 Mission: SPACE
8 Advanced Training Lab
9 Ellen's Energy Adventure
10 Innoventions East
11 The Living Seas
12 Impressions de France
Disney MGM Studios
Dec. 21, 2005
Disney-MGM Studios
I went through:
1 Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
2 Beauty and the Beast (Show)
3 The Magic of Disney Animation
4 Voyage of The Little Mermaid (Show)
5 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure (Play Ground)
6 The Disney-MGM Studios Backlot Tour
7 Muppet Vision 3-D
8 Lights Moters, Action! Extreme Stunt Show (Show)
9 Star Tours
10 Sounds Dangerous - Starring Drew Carey
11 Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular (Show)
12 Fantasmic
Disney-MGM Studios
I went through:
1 Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith
2 Beauty and the Beast (Show)
3 The Magic of Disney Animation
4 Voyage of The Little Mermaid (Show)
5 Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure (Play Ground)
6 The Disney-MGM Studios Backlot Tour
7 Muppet Vision 3-D
8 Lights Moters, Action! Extreme Stunt Show (Show)
9 Star Tours
10 Sounds Dangerous - Starring Drew Carey
11 Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular (Show)
12 Fantasmic
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