July 30, 2005

Time to sleep...

After coming back from Auntie Shirley's, I have been writing my paper for 5 hours. Now, it is 3:43, I really need to have a rest. My brain does not work well right now. Hope I can finish this paper and correct it by tomorrow so that I can hand it in on time on Sunday afternoon. God, please help me and give me wisdom on writing paper and doing research.

July 28, 2005

Strange Weather

Rochester weather changes capriciously. Yesterday was about 90 degree Fahrenheit, and today is about 64 degree Fahrenheit. Yesterday was humid and hot, and today is moist and cool. 天氣是善變的!!! 冷熱交替就是羅徹斯特典型的天氣型態~ 反正, 出門一件外套是必備的~ 在冷氣房太冷可以披上, 天氣變冷也可以防寒... Because here is Rochester!

July 27, 2005

Writing Writing Writing...

唉~每次寫篇 paper 都要費上九牛二虎之力. 英文寫作真是比中文寫作難上 N 百倍!尤其是要超級注重文法~我苦了...英文功力還是不夠強... 難道尋求學校的 Writing Lab 助功也沒用?雖然已經改了我的文法錯誤, 修改了一些句型結構, 教授還是抓出了些文法錯誤~ 是 Writing Lab 的老師太差?還是教授太 picky 啦?嗚...誰能救我....幫我改 paper 啊...

July 26, 2005

Lab Open Hours

Lab Open Hours for summer quarter

Writing Lab
    Mon & Wed: 1:00 - 4:00 PM
    Tue & Thur:   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    Friday:   9:30 AM - 12:00 PM

IT Open Lab:
    Monday - Friday: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
    Saturday & Sunday: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Building 9 Open Lab:
    Monday - Thursday: 7:45 AM - 10:00 PM
    Friday: 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM

July 23, 2005

PPLive - BT Online TV

Yesterday I found a good stuff called PPLive, which uses BT (BitTorrent) technology: the more users use, the faster the speed is. PPLive provides several TV programs from China and Hong Kong. Because PPLive uses BT technology, users can watch flurent TV programs online without downloading the whole files into Hard Drive and watching it after finishing downloading.
There are so many TV programs. Personally, I prefer Hong Kong TV - 電影頻道 (TVB電視連續劇), TVB-8 (Mandarin), 翡翠台 (Cantonese), and HBO (English with Chinese subtitle).
Here is the PPLive site: http://www.pplive.com
TV Program sources: http://www.pplive.com/source.shtml
If you are interested in it, just click the link above and try it!! :)

Note: The defualt language for the interface is Simplified Chinese. If you cannot see it correctly, you can change Chinese.dll file in the installed directory (C:\Program Files\PPLive\) OR replace with English.dll to Chinese.dll in order to show English version by defualt OR translate English.dll to Traditional Chinese and save the file as Chinese.dll. :)
Here is the Traditional Chinese version that I translated (most of them). Download it and replace Chinese.dll in your PPLive directory.

July 20, 2005

Study Study Study...

The summer course starts...The course is on an accelerated schedule which is about one month long. Doing a project proposal in 5 weeks is kind of tense. Every week I have to due at least one assignment. Anyway...加油吧!!!

July 16, 2005

MSN Messenger Plugin

MSN Messenger Now Playing Plugin (gen_msn)

Shows the song name in your MSN Messenger that you are playing by using Winamp~
I rarely use Windows Media Player to play songs. Most of the time I use Winamp or RealPlayer instead. Therefore, if I wanna show the songs I'm listening to, this plugin will be handy. :)
Download page: http://www.myplugins.info/msn_messenger.php

July 15, 2005

Kubuntu v.s Fedora Core 4

Here are two screenshot of KDE; one from Kubuntu, and one from Fedora Core 4.
I like Kubuntu's KDE looking more than FC4's (the icons matter).
Btw compare to Kubuntu v.s Ubuntu. The difference between them is the X windows desktop application - KDE v.s GNOME. Both desktop are good; personally, I just prefer KDE. :p

Linux shortcut!

I just found out some very useful shortcut!!!
Switch between applications: Alt + Tab
Switch between virtual desktop: Ctrl + Tab

July 14, 2005

HOT summer!!!

Right now, the temperature is still high - 90F/32C. In the afternoon, it was even higher (92F/33C). I heard that these 2 or 3 days the temperature will be around 90F degree. OH~~~ HOT summer!!!

Have a cup of JAVA Coffee

It is a very hot summer day~ The temperature right now is about 88F/31C. It is too hot to stay at my apartment. Therefore, I decide to go to Java Wally, a coffe shop in Library at RIT. There is air condition, music, Wi-Fi, power supply so that I can stay there, use computer, have a cup of Java Coffee, and enjoy the summer life there. No bother, no noise, just enjoy the music and coffee. :D

July 11, 2005

New Record of Mines 3:21

I just break my new record of KMines - 3 minutes 21 seconds with 264 hits.


I went bowling again yesterday after seeing Fantastic Four~ This time, my scores were 101, 126, and 109 in three games. It is always fun handing out with friends and doing something together. I didn't take the screenshot of our first game. BUT here were the second and third ones. Second row - O - is mine~ :D

July 10, 2005

Movie: Fantastic Four

Four friends of mine and I went to see Fantastic Four yesterday afternon. The movie was fantastic; however, it was kind of short though~ A little bit too rush I think. Fantastic 4 'supers' do not need so much power to fight with the BAD guy. They finished fighting in few minutes....That's too FAST!!! Overall, it was a really cool movie especially the movie effects. :) AND here is my movie ticket picture~

July 08, 2005


"我是狠角色~ 請叫我 Eric! "

Yesterday was my nephew's 1 year-old birthday! This suit is his first birthday gift that my auntie and I bought to him. :) Before I came back to US, my auntie and I went to the department store to buy GIFT for him... How a cute kid and a cute suit. :D

July 05, 2005

Independence Day - Fireworks

On July 4th, 2005 - Independence Day. Most Americans celebrates this day. It was my first time staying in the United State this summer and celebrated the Independence Day here. Some of my friends from church and I was planing to go bowling in the afternoon; unfortunately, all the stores did not open this day. Therefore, we changed our plan and went to see a movie - Robots - in Movies 10, and each of us only paid 50 cent for it. HeeHee...Cheap and Greate second round movie. After, we finished our dinner and went to Veterans Memorial Park to see fireworks. Lots of people were waiting for watching fireworks. Until 9:40 p.m., the fireworks started. I used my panasonic Lumix DMC-FX8 digital camera to catch some shots. All of the shots were about timing...I had to catch the right time in order to take a picture of the fireworks. Here are the two good pictures I took. Enjoy~

People and Balloons


July 04, 2005

Wang's fifth won

昨天半夜看重播的球賽, 已經播到第六局了. 洋基隊當時以1分暫時領先. 六局時, 王建民投出了兩個觸身球保送了兩名球員. 在此時, 還好穩住陣腳, 三振了一名打者. 接著, 王建民以他精湛的守備, 接著了打者打來的球, 然後傳向二壘刺殺跑者, 二壘手又傳球至一壘手, 漂亮的雙殺! 雖然沒看到全部的球賽過程, 不過至少看到了我國旅美好手的精彩表現! 一個字~ 讚! 恭喜王建民成功地取下個人的第五勝~

Rabit on campus

In the evening, a rabit appeared in front of my apartment. I rarely see a rabit on campus although there are lots of wild animals around. I used zoom in to give a shot in order to not scare the rabit. The first picture, the rabit was running away. The second picture, it was eating grass.

Wild geese walking on the street

This afternoon, on the way to Cantonese House for lunch, I saw a flock of wild geese walking on the street. At that time, they were walking across the street. It's the first time I saw this situation; therefore, I quickly took a picture of it! :)

July 03, 2005


XMMS 字型設定
選項 -> 喜好設定 -> 字型

-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-8* AND -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10*

BOTH CHANGE TO (Or add RED part):
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*8-*, -taipei-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-
If you have installed mingliu font, you can change to the code below:
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*12-*, -dynalab-mingliu-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-

最後 使用字型集 使用X字型 兩個選項打勾


"This is no use to cry over spilt milk." The meaning of this idiom is that when something goes wrong, the thing already happened, and it is no use for crying about it. The term translates to Chinese: 作無益的後悔. In Chinese, the similar proverb called "覆水難收".

"There is more than one way to skin a cat." It means there is more than one way to do something. BUT why skin a cat?! not skin other animals??? Hmm... No idea~

July 02, 2005

Go Bowling

I went bowling this evening with a friend. Today, my bowling scores: 107, 114, 151... Every time my score is getting better and better! :D It's always having fun to "play" bowling... My friend said Americans don't use "play" for describing this kind of sport. In Chinese, "打"保齡球 is general use. :) Anyway....Having fun is the main purpose!!! 歡喜就好~~