December 17, 2005
Snow Snow Snow
December 11, 2005
Still Awake!
November 30, 2005
[Tech] FireFox 1.5 is available today!
I've beening trying lots of different web browser, such as Internet Explorer, KKMan, Crazy Browser, Sleipnir, Opera, and Flock. Personally, I still like to use FireFox. As a web developer, FireFox is a really good choice for me because it supports most standard specifications. In my previous school project, I had XML projects that FireFox is the only one that can display content properly and support XML/XSLT and CSS2/CSS3.
I checked FireFox website yesterday, it was still 1.5RC3. Today, I check it again, and finally it becomes version 1.5! Immediately, I update it to new version for all my computers. Happy!!
Going to discover new features of FireFox 1.5 browser!! :)
November 29, 2005
Back to school
New York City Trip - Part IV
This was the last day staying in New York City before going back to Rochester. We had a tranditional Chinese breakfast in the morning. I haven't had REAL Chinese breakfast for ages. Finally, I ate yummy traditional breakfast! Ha...Asaka was always showing her satisfied face when she ate delicious food. :) After eating breakfast, finishing up Ying's business, we were on the way home! We all had fun on this NYC Trip~ (NYC Trip - The END)
November 24, 2005
New York City Trip - Part III
This day, we went to most famous places, such as Grand Central Teminal, New York City Opera, Ground Zero, Empire State, and Time Sqaure. Sumicco and Asaka was planing to see an opera or listen to a music concert. However, the cheapest tickets were sold out. We, therefore, decided to go other places instead. We took a city bus and travel to whatever the place we wanted to go to. Along the way, we passed NYIT and New York Public Library. We went to south part of Manhattan, and our target was Ground Zero. Going around the place and taking pictures there, we was planing to take subway to Empire State. When most of us got into the station, Asaka couldn't get in. Thus, we decided to walk to next station to take subway. It was tired since we walked around all day. Finally, we could take subway to Empire State.
The price to go up to 86th of Empire State is $13. Sumicco thought that was too expensive so that she and I didn't go up. Fortunately, when she and I went around the Empire State, one of the staffs gave us a pass card to go to the top of the building for free. How lucky we were!!!
After visiting the Empire State, we had Korean food with Sumicco's friend. Finishing eating dinner, we took subway to Time Square. It was cool place to go to especially at night time. The place was still bright even though it is dark night. The most fun part was we had a buddy ride in front of Time Square. Five of us ride a circle kind vehicle and one controled the direction. Each of us paid 5 dollar for a ride and only spent about less then ten minutes, but it was a cool experience though. :) (continued...)
New York City Trip - Part II
The day was a nice sunny day, good for walking around. This day, we went to Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, fifth Ave (including World of Disney and NBA Store), and Heartland (for dinner).
We walked through the Central Park and toward to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. We spent about three hours in the museum and enjoyed the art work of Van Gogh and some other different art. Although we stayed in teh museum about three hours, it was too huge to look through all exhibitions. However, I enjoyed a lot and felt satisfied with it.
After visiting the museum, we went toward 5th Ave. (a.k.a. window-shopping street) Along 5th Ave., we went to World of Disney and NBA Store. Those were cool place to go. Without buying anything, just looking around was also satisfied me.
Dinner time, we went to Heartland for dinner and met my ex-roommate (Wen) and other groups of people (Mio, Yiwen, and Yali). Yiwen introduced their pumpkin beer to us, but I didn't choose that one, and I ordered raspberry cider instead. After drinking, I felt not good since I do not drink beer so often and only had a little food before dinner. That ended the day!! (continued...)
New York City Trip - Part I
2005-11-18 First Day
Basically, we left Rochester around 9:30AM, and took about 8 hours arriving at New York City. It was late for the day so that we had dinner (Korean BBQ) in Flushing with the 3rd group. Food was pretty good. Ha...Yummy! Haven't had good food for a long time. :p (continued...)
November 14, 2005
陽光 Lyrics
翻滾吧!男孩 (主題曲)
早晨的路上 空氣很清涼 像百合一樣芬芳
過去的憂傷 不要再去想 要大步邁向前方
藍藍的海洋 無限的寬廣 乘著風迎向海浪
自由的想像 自在的翱翔 我想要大聲的唱
有夢就去追 不要覺得累 因為有你我不會疲憊
帶著翅膀飛 讓我往前追 勇氣就會一路相隨
美麗的早上 充滿了希望 我想要和你分享
燦爛的陽光 歡笑和夢想 就要一起展翅飛翔
有夢就去追 不要覺得累 因為有你我不會疲憊
帶著翅膀飛 讓我往前追 勇氣就會一路相隨
有夢就去追 不要覺得累 路上有我與你相陪
帶著翅膀飛 讓我往前追 讓我們一起迎接陽光
November 11, 2005
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Launch
November 03, 2005
Sunny Day
October 31, 2005
Little puppy
Extra Hour?!
Double Rainbows
October 29, 2005
[Share] Photo Service - Flickr
How to get start using Flickr service?! If you already have a yahoo account, you can sign up this service using your yahoo account. For basic users, each person can have three sets and 20MB transfer storage per month, and it's free; for pro users, there is no limitations on these, but it costs about $25 per year. You can try it out first. If you like its service, you can decide to buy pro account. =)
[Notes] Digital Transmission
+ -> 1
0 -> 0
+ -> 0
- -> 1
change -> 1
no change -> 0
+ to 0 -> 1
- to 0 -> 0
0 -|_ |
1 _|- |
Different Manchester
transition -> 0
no transition -> 1
October 28, 2005
October 27, 2005
在片尾播放了他們在 2004 年的比賽,真的不能不佩服他們.小小年紀志氣高,拿金牌奪冠軍! 尤其看到之後小恩及小軒的進步,那種堅持不放棄,失敗了哭了還是勇敢地站起來, 這種體育精神值得我們學習!
今天意外找到個 blog (萊恩費夫的狂想)內有一些七小福的進況及進期的比賽MV,內容很精彩,尤其是「牛奶糖小恩」一年來的努力結果在 2005 年的全國體操錦標賽拿了七面牌回去,一個字「強」,可見潛能可以被開發,但一個人的的努力也不能忽視,終能得到理想結果!
October 23, 2005
[Tech] Flock Browser
There is a new browser called Flock, which is still on the developing stage. I read an aritical from - New browser gives taste of Web 2.0. I like to try something new, so I download the developer preview version.
Some new features:
1. build-in RSS reader
2. blogging service (I'm using Flock blog feature to post this without going to blogger site and login to edit this post)
3. online photo management and sharing service (Yahoo)
Some more things are waiting for being discovered. :) Download Flock
October 15, 2005
In Christ Alone
Brian Littrell
Album: WOW#1 2005
In Christ alone will I glory
Though I could pride myself in battles won
For I’ve been blessed beyond measure
And by His strength alone I’ll overcome
Oh, I could stop and count successes like diamonds in my hands
But those trophies could not equal to the grace by which I stand
In Christ alone
I place my trust
And find my glory in the power of the cross
In every victory
Let it be said of me
My source of strength
My source of hope
Is Christ alone
In Christ alone do I glory
For only by His grace I am redeemed
For only His tender mercy
Could reach beyond my weakness to my need
And now I seek no greater honor in just to know Him more
And to count my gains but losses to the glory of my Lord
外面傳來一陣陣鳥鳴, 並不會覺得煩人, 倒還挺悅耳的...
太陽今天還是不肯露面, 天氣陰陰暗暗的, 還開始下了場大雨
今天特別欣賞上帝創造的這些天然事物, 雖然這些都是一直圍繞在我周遭
遇爾靜下心, 聆聽大自然的聲音, 心情也得意自然...
- onecent 10/15/2005 心血來潮之作
October 14, 2005
soft link in *nix
A quick way to make a shortcut (soft link) using terminal:
October 05, 2005
The environment I had:
Apache 2.0
Tomcat 5.5
MySQL 4.1
Java 1.5
Just need one element - java-mysql connector (Download: MySQL Connector/J)
Extract files from the package, and put mysql-connector-java-3.1.10-bin.jar to %TOMCAT_HOME%/common/lib folder
Basically...that's it. Just need to write the correct JSP code to connect to MySQL. The one I had before, it contained some wrong code so that I couldn't excute it correctly and kept getting errors. Finally, I fixed it, and it worked! Now, I can help my roommate to setup her server and run JSP and MySQL lo!!!! :D
p.s: JavaWorld - a good Java community
October 03, 2005
It was a really cool service, I can listen to the streaming music online or download music file in local hard drive. Surprisingly, there are several asian singers in the music database, such as Andy Lau, David Tao, Coco Lee, Jay Chao. Haha... That's cool though. Recently, I am listening to some albums, such as Backstreet Boys' Never Gone, Michael W. Smith's Healing Rain, Hillsong's God He Reigns. Lots of English albums of course. Ctrax (music service in Cdigix) has over 110000 artists, 28000 records labels, 700 msic videos, and something more... Buying an album costs $9.99, or a song costs $0.89. Good deal! Ha...really happy to use cdigix service!!
September 21, 2005
ShortCut for Screenshot on Mac
September 19, 2005
Shortcut for quick dictionary in mac
Java Environment Setting in Mac
Here is the solution:
1. In home directory, create a file called .profile
2. type command line below in the file:
export PATH=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.5/Commands:$PATH
3. source .profile
4. check Java version (java -version)
5. start programming!!! :D
OR do soft link for the whole system:
1. Use terminal and go to the directory below:
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
2. Remove the old 1.4.2 default link:
rm CurrentJDK
3. Re-create a new CurrentJDK linking to 1.5.0:
ln -s 1.5.0 CurrentJDK
(remember to change to root to do the commands - sudo command)
September 13, 2005
My PB - everything is perfect but not the light spot!!!
September 12, 2005
iPod Notes
回到正題,剛剛在試內建的 Note 功能,只要把文字檔放在屬它的資料夾下,就可以在 iPod 觀看筆記了. 測試顯示的結果真是不錯,但是如果要放多國語言的文字檔,要把它轉換成 Unicode 才行. :)
September 11, 2005
Mac Software
Here are some software I need in Mac (Freeware)
Text Editor - ProgrammingjEdit
TextWrangler (5/18/06 added)
xVRML project
Instant Messenger
AdiumX (AIM/MSN/Yahoo/ICQ/GoogleTalk, and more) (1/5/06 added)
VLC media player (12/29/05 added)
Windows Media Player for Mac (1/5/06 added)
Server APP (althoug MAC already contains Apache1.3 and PHP4, but the version is too old, and doesn't contain MySQL; I need PHP5 and support XSLT)
MAMP (Apache2/PHP4&5/MySQL4.1) -
PHP5 (PHP 5.0.4 for Apache 1.3) (1/5/06 added) - XSLT enabled
MySQL (1/5/06 added)
Office - free alternative to Microsoft Office (9/13/05 added)
NeoOffice on Mac OS X (Run without X11)
OpenOffice for Mac
Remote Control
Remote Desktop Connection (Mac->Windows) (1/5/06 added)
That's much about it so far. :D
I will keep editing this list as needed.
Find more resources:
Pure-Mac Software for Macintosh
10 essential software for new mac users (1/5/06 added)
Essential Mac OSX applications (1/9/06 added)
More about Dashboard Widgets
More articles about creating widgets
Whip up a Widget - an article from maworld.comHello World Tutorial - visual simple tutorial for creating widgets
Build a Dashboard Widget - an article from O'Reilly
Tip - Widget and XMLHTTPRequest
September 10, 2005
Join Apple Family thing that is worthy to be mentioned is the widgets in the new OS X Tiger. I would like to know how to develop my own widgets. Here is an article about developing widgets:
September 02, 2005
View point from the air
August 24, 2005
Leisure Time: Go bowling

August 09, 2005
Half class left
August 07, 2005
Two weeks to go
July 30, 2005
Time to sleep...
July 28, 2005
Strange Weather
July 27, 2005
Writing Writing Writing...
July 26, 2005
Lab Open Hours
Writing Lab:
Mon & Wed: 1:00 - 4:00 PM
Tue & Thur: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Friday: 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM
IT Open Lab:
Monday - Friday: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Building 9 Open Lab:
Monday - Thursday: 7:45 AM - 10:00 PM
Friday: 7:45 AM - 5:00 PM
July 23, 2005
PPLive - BT Online TV
There are so many TV programs. Personally, I prefer Hong Kong TV - 電影頻道 (TVB電視連續劇), TVB-8 (Mandarin), 翡翠台 (Cantonese), and HBO (English with Chinese subtitle).
Here is the PPLive site:
TV Program sources:
If you are interested in it, just click the link above and try it!! :)
Note: The defualt language for the interface is Simplified Chinese. If you cannot see it correctly, you can change Chinese.dll file in the installed directory (C:\Program Files\PPLive\) OR replace with English.dll to Chinese.dll in order to show English version by defualt OR translate English.dll to Traditional Chinese and save the file as Chinese.dll. :)
Here is the Traditional Chinese version that I translated (most of them). Download it and replace Chinese.dll in your PPLive directory.
July 22, 2005
July 20, 2005
Study Study Study...
July 16, 2005
MSN Messenger Plugin

Shows the song name in your MSN Messenger that you are playing by using Winamp~
I rarely use Windows Media Player to play songs. Most of the time I use Winamp or RealPlayer instead. Therefore, if I wanna show the songs I'm listening to, this plugin will be handy. :)
Download page:
July 15, 2005
Kubuntu v.s Fedora Core 4
Here are two screenshot of KDE; one from Kubuntu, and one from Fedora Core 4.
I like Kubuntu's KDE looking more than FC4's (the icons matter).
Btw compare to Kubuntu v.s Ubuntu. The difference between them is the X windows desktop application - KDE v.s GNOME. Both desktop are good; personally, I just prefer KDE. :p
Linux shortcut!
Switch between applications: Alt + Tab
Switch between virtual desktop: Ctrl + Tab
July 14, 2005
HOT summer!!!

Right now, the temperature is still high - 90F/32C. In the afternoon, it was even higher (92F/33C). I heard that these 2 or 3 days the temperature will be around 90F degree. OH~~~ HOT summer!!!
Have a cup of JAVA Coffee
It is a very hot summer day~ The temperature right now is about 88F/31C. It is too hot to stay at my apartment. Therefore, I decide to go to Java Wally, a coffe shop in Library at RIT. There is air condition, music, Wi-Fi, power supply so that I can stay there, use computer, have a cup of Java Coffee, and enjoy the summer life there. No bother, no noise, just enjoy the music and coffee. :D
July 11, 2005

I went bowling again yesterday after seeing Fantastic Four~ This time, my scores were 101, 126, and 109 in three games. It is always fun handing out with friends and doing something together. I didn't take the screenshot of our first game. BUT here were the second and third ones. Second row - O - is mine~ :D
July 10, 2005
Movie: Fantastic Four

Four friends of mine and I went to see Fantastic Four yesterday afternon. The movie was fantastic; however, it was kind of short though~ A little bit too rush I think. Fantastic 4 'supers' do not need so much power to fight with the BAD guy. They finished fighting in few minutes....That's too FAST!!! Overall, it was a really cool movie especially the movie effects. :) AND here is my movie ticket picture~
July 08, 2005
July 05, 2005
Independence Day - Fireworks
July 04, 2005
Wang's fifth won
Rabit on campus
Wild geese walking on the street
July 03, 2005

選項 -> 喜好設定 -> 字型
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-8* AND -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*-10*
BOTH CHANGE TO (Or add RED part):
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*8-*, -taipei-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-
If you have installed mingliu font, you can change to the code below:
-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-*-*12-*, -dynalab-mingliu-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-
最後 使用字型集 跟 使用X字型 兩個選項打勾
"There is more than one way to skin a cat." It means there is more than one way to do something. BUT why skin a cat?! not skin other animals??? Hmm... No idea~
July 02, 2005
Go Bowling
June 30, 2005
[TECH] Windows becomes MacOSX

Many of my friends said that my laptop looks like iBook. Right now, the overall looking of my lovely laptop is almost 100% like iBook. :) Isn't it cool?!
[TECH] Crazy Browser
June 27, 2005
Test Email Publishing
Through email publishing blog, this is a really cool function. I wanna try is another test blog.